New ARRS project at the department

In December 2021, we started working on a new project funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS), entitled: “Bactericidal nanoblades: a proof-of-concept approach for bimodal chemo-mechanical eradication of persistent biofilms”. The proposed project will verify a new concept for the eradication of persistent bacterial biofilms by combining mechanical destruction and bactericidal action. The interdisciplinary project consortium is led by Asst. Prof. Stane Pajk from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Ljubljana and includes two groups from the Jožef Stefan Institute (led by Dr. Jerica Sabotič from the Department of Biotechnology and Asst. Prof. Slavko Kralj from the Department for Materials Synthesis). The Swiss team is led by Asst. Prof. Irena Miloševič from the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland and supported by Dr. Mustapha Mekki from the Biomaterials Laboratory of the University of Geneva, Switzerland.

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