The role of cysteine peptidases in coronavirus cell entry and replication

  • 4.November, 2020
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Reputable microbiological journal PLOS Pathogens (IF 6.2) published paper by members of the department Ana Mitrović, Jerica Sabotič, Milica Perišić Nanut, Emanuela Senjor and Janko Kos and colleagues from Faculty of Pharmacy published a review paper in discussing the role of cathepsins in coronavirus infection entitled: The role of cysteine peptidases in coronavirus cell entry […]

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New ARRS project at the department

  • 3.November, 2020
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At this year’s project proposal call from Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) project submitted by our colleague Jerica Sabotič entitled “FunContrAPest: Novel Fungal Proteins as Biopesticides for Control of Challenging Invasive Alien Agricultural Pests” (J4-2543) was selected for three-year financing.The proposed project aims at developing new environmentally friendly biopesticides based on defense proteins from higher fungi […]

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