Group photo of members of the department

  • 26.October, 2021
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We finally managed to organize to take a group photo of the members of the department with almost all people present in front of our building next to the statue of Jožef Stefan. As almost always, some co-workers are unfortunately still missing.

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Recipients of Krka Prize

  • 26.October, 2021
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Among this year´s Krka Prize winners for special research achievements is a researcher from our department, Dr. Abida Zahirović, who received the special prize for her PhD thesis entitled Identification and characterization of major bee venom allergen Api m 1 mimotopes for development of specific immunotherapy. She conducted her research under the mentorship of Assoc. […]

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A review on how Listeria monocytogenes organises its surface for biofilm formation

  • 26.October, 2021
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Nika Janež, Jerica Sabotič (corresponding) and co-workers recently published a review of current advances on how Listeria monocytogenes organises its surface for biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces in the food sector (DOI 10.1111/1751-7915.13847). Insights into the molecular structure of bacterial surfaces can provide new ideas and directives for the development of new antimicrobial strategies to […]

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New biosafety Level 2 laboratory at B3

  • 26.October, 2021
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A Biosafety Level 2 (BSL2) laboratory has been established in the Department of Biotechnology for for simultaneous work with bacteria and eukaryotic cell lines enabling interdisciplinary research in the field of microbiology and cell biology. The facilities, equipment and materials are currently being used for the analysis of bacteria-host interactions, bacterial glycobiology and biofilm research […]

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New ARRS projects at the department

  • 11.October, 2021
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At this year’s project proposal call from national research agency ARRS projects form our colleagues Boris Rogej and Ana Mitrović were selected for three-year financing. Additionally, also few project from our collaborative partners have been selected for financing.

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