Top 10 most downloaded articles in 2020
- Post by: Ana Mitrović
- 20.December, 2021
- Comments off
The article “The Influence of Probiotics on the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes Ratio in the Treatment of Obesity and Inflammatory Bowel disease”
published in the journal “Microorganisms” by our colleagues Spase Stojanov, Aleš Berlec and Borut Štrukelj has achieved a new milestone.
The journal announced the most downloaded articles for 2020, where the article of our colleagues is on the list of top 10 most downloaded articles in 2020, more precisely the article was ranked as fourth most downloaded article. Thousands of high quality papers are published yearly in the journal “Microorganisms”, which is a great success for our colleagues to be ranked in the fourth place.
Link to the news: https://www.mdpi.com/about/announcements/3287
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