DNA and RNA analysis
- DNA cloning
- PCR analysis and qPCR analysis
- Agarose electrophoresis
- DNA and RNA isolation
- FISH analysis
- RNA-protein PLA
- RNA and DNA pull down
- Crosslinking
- RNA-RNA interactions (PARIS method, COMRADES method)
Protein analysis
- SDS PAGE and Western Blot
- Microscale thermophoresis
- Immunoprecipitation/co-immunoprecipitation
- Immunocytochemistry
- Protein-protein interactions (PLA, BioID, APEX)
- Protein labelling
- Glycoproteomics
Recombinant protein expression and purification
- Bacterial expression systems (Escherichia coli, Lactococcus lactis)
- Mammalian expression systems
- Mutagenesis
- Purification systems: Affinity chromatography, 4C gel filtration chromatography, ion-exchange chromatography – Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography (FPLC) research scale and small-scale preparatory chromatography
- Ultrafiltration set-up (up to 500 mL)
Cell biology
- Human cell lines and primary cell cultures (IPS, fibroblasts,
neuronal cells, cancer cells, immune cells, intestinal cells, cancer
stem cells, …) - Differentiation assays
- Protein silencing and overexpression (transfection, lentiviral transduction)
- CRISPR Cas gene editing
- 3D cell models (multicellular spheroids)
- Migration and invasion functional assays
- Microfluidics
- Indirect (transwell chambers) and direct cell cocultures (monolayers and spheroids)
- Bacterial-host cell interaction (adhesion, invasion, proliferation)
Flow cytometry and cell sorting
- Phenotypic and functional analysis of immune cells
- Cytotoxicity assays
- Cell death analysis
- Viability assays
- Proliferation and cell cycle analysis
- Isolation and phenotypic characterization of cancer stem cells
Biotechnology of bacteria
- Genetic engineering of bacterial cells
- Protein surface display
- Bacterial viability determination
- Bacterial growth kinetics
- CRISPR-based tools for genomic engineering of Lactococcus lactis
- Electroporation of Gram-positive bacteria
- GMO biosafety risk assessment
Microbiology of bacteria and fungi
- Bioassays for antibacterial compounds
- Antiadhesion and antibiofilm compound analysis by fluorescent microscopy (effects on viability, biofilm composition and structure)
- Biofilm cultivation systems (static and dynamic)
- Microfluidics
- Bacterial protein profiling (cytoplasm, surface proteins)
- Bacterial genomics
- Extraction and characterization of complex bacterial and fungal glycans (teichoic acids, capsule, peptidoglycan, etc.)
- Extraction of native lectins from environmental samples
- Lectin characterization and application for labelling
- Glycoproteomics (differential staining of glycans, deglycosylation)
- Lectin probed western blot for detection of glycans and glycoproteins
Evaluation of enzymes and inhibitors
- Low-molecular weight inhibitors
- Natural protein inhibitors
- Enzyme kinetics
- Zymography analysis and development (proteolytic, L-amino acid oxidase, cholinesterase activity)
Flow Cytometer
Attune™ NxT Flow Cytometer, blue/red/violet/yellow
Contact person: Milica Perišić Nanut, PhD
Microscale Thermophoresis
Monolith NT115.pico Red
Nanotemper Technologies
Contact Person: Ana Mitrović, PhD
IXplore Spin High Resolution microscope system
(1) fully motorized Olympus IX83 inverted imaging platform equiped with
(2) CSU-W1 spining disc confocal scanner, 2 digital sCMOS cameras, live-imaging chamber and CellSens Dimension with 3D Deconvolution solution Imaging
Contact Person: assist. prof. Helena Motaln, PhD, prof. dr. Boris Rogelj, PhD
Confocal laser scaning microscope
Confocal laser scaning microscope LSM710
Carl Zeiss
Contact Person: assist. prof. Helena Motaln, PhD
Fluorescence inverted microscope
EVOS M5000 Imaging System
Thermo Fisher
Contact Person: Ana Mitrović, PhD
Imaging System
ChemiDoc Imaging System
Contact Person:
Western Blot Analysis
SDS PAGE and Western Blot system
Contact Person:
Fast protein Liquid Chromatography System (FPLC)
AKTA Fast Protein Liquid Chromatography System
GE Healthcare Life Sciences
Contact Person:
Mastercycler Nexus X2
Contact Person:
Cell culture laboratories
1st and 2nd biosafety level laboratories
Contact Person: Milica Perišić Nanut, PhD, assist. prof. Helena Motaln, PhD
Live Cell Imaging System
Live Cell imaging Chamber for Confocal microscope
Contact Person: assist. prof. Helena Motaln, PhD
Microfluidic system
Microfluidic flow control system (FlowEZ 1000 mbar, 15 ml P-Caps, CO2 mixer, thermoblock, M-switch)
Hybridization Oven and UV Crosslinker
UPV HL-2000 Hybrilinker 230V and 254nm crosslinker
UPV Life science equipment
Contact Person: Urša Čerček, MSc
CL-1000 Ultraviolet Crosslinker
UPV Life science equipment
Contact Person: Urša Čerček, MSc
Electroportation System
BTX Gemini X² – Twin Waveform Electroportation System (holds two cuvettes)
Harvard Apparatus BTX
Contact Person: assoc. prof. Aleš Berlec, PhD