New WTA structure in Listeria

  • 19.January, 2022
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New cell wall teichoic acid (WTA) from Listeria innocua ŽM39 was characterized including the analysis of its biosynthesis genes by members of Department Nika Janež and Jerica Sabotič in collaboration with Anja Klančnik and Meta Sterniša from Biotechnical faculty, University of Ljubljana, with Barbara Bellich, Paola Cescutti and Roberto Rizzo from University of Trieste, and […]

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Simba – simultaneous test for antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity

  • 19.January, 2022
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You can simultaneously test antimicrobial and antibiofilm activity against Salmonella by analysing their growth curve. Jerica Sabotič, in collaboration with Meta Sterniša and Anja Klančnik from the Biotechnical Faculty of the University of Ljubljana, described this simple approach in the International Journal of Food Microbiology and filed a patent application.This simple approach, called Simba, was […]

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Novel cathepsin-X inhibitors and their ability to improve cathepsin B-directed antitumor therapy

  • 6.January, 2022
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Members of department Ana Mitrović and Janko Kos with coworkers’ form Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and coworkers from Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Ljubljana published the paper in journal Cellular and Molecular Life Science (IF = 9.261) entitled “Evaluation of novel cathepsin-X inhibitors in vitro and in vivo and their ability to improve […]

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New ARRS research programme at the department

  • 6.January, 2022
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On 1 January 2022, we started our work under a new research programme entitled Marine and Microbial Biotechnology, led by Dr Ana Rotter from the National Institute of Biology and in collaboration with Prof Nina Gunde Cimerman from the Biotechnical Faculty at the University of Ljubljana. The research programme focuses on marine and related extreme […]

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New ARRS project at the department

  • 6.January, 2022
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In December 2021, we started working on a new project funded by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and the Swiss National Science Foundation (FNS), entitled: “Bactericidal nanoblades: a proof-of-concept approach for bimodal chemo-mechanical eradication of persistent biofilms”. The proposed project will verify a new concept for the eradication of persistent bacterial biofilms by combining mechanical […]

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Top 10 most downloaded articles in 2020

  • 20.December, 2021
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The article “The Influence of Probiotics on the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes Ratio in the Treatment of Obesity and Inflammatory Bowel disease”published in the journal “Microorganisms” by our colleagues Spase Stojanov, Aleš Berlec and Borut Štrukelj has achieved a new milestone.The journal announced the most downloaded articles for 2020, where the article of our colleagues is on the […]

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Increased number of known genes associated with ALS

  • 7.December, 2021
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International research consortium Project MinE, in which prof. dr. Boris Rogelj from our department is the scientific expert for Slovenia, published the largest genome-wide association study to date on the genetic causes of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), increasing the number of known genes associated with this severe disease to 15.Researchers from the international consortium of […]

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Group photo of members of the department

  • 26.October, 2021
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We finally managed to organize to take a group photo of the members of the department with almost all people present in front of our building next to the statue of Jožef Stefan. As almost always, some co-workers are unfortunately still missing.

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Recipients of Krka Prize

  • 26.October, 2021
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Among this year´s Krka Prize winners for special research achievements is a researcher from our department, Dr. Abida Zahirović, who received the special prize for her PhD thesis entitled Identification and characterization of major bee venom allergen Api m 1 mimotopes for development of specific immunotherapy. She conducted her research under the mentorship of Assoc. […]

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A review on how Listeria monocytogenes organises its surface for biofilm formation

  • 26.October, 2021
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Nika Janež, Jerica Sabotič (corresponding) and co-workers recently published a review of current advances on how Listeria monocytogenes organises its surface for biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces in the food sector (DOI 10.1111/1751-7915.13847). Insights into the molecular structure of bacterial surfaces can provide new ideas and directives for the development of new antimicrobial strategies to […]

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