Successful defence of doctoral dissertation

  • 10.July, 2020
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On Monday, July 6, 2020, our colleague Abida Zahirović received the title PhD with a successful defence of her doctoral dissertation entitled »Identification and characterization of major bee venom allergen Api m 1 mimotopes for development of specific immunotherapy«. She conducted her research work at the Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, Faculty of Pharmacy, under the […]

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New antibacterials identified in mushrooms

  • 2.June, 2020
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In the search for new antibacterial proteins from mushrooms, members of the Department of Biotechnology Jerica Sabotič, Jože Brzin and Janko Kos in collaboration with researchers from the National Institute of Biology discovered that L-amino acid oxidases (LAO) with strong antibacterial activity are present in mushrooms. These enzymes are otherwise known as an important component […]

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Award for best contribution at 12th IPSSC and 14th CMBE

  • 20.May, 2020
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Mirjana Malnar received award for best overall contribution at the joint 12th Students Conference of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School and 14th Young Researchers Day of Chemistry, Material, Science, Biochemistry and Environment held online on 15 May 2020. Mirjana was awarded for presentation of research achievements in terms of scientific quality and their applicability […]

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The 45th FEBS Congress 2021 will be held in Ljubljana

  • 3.April, 2020
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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, ‘FEBS 2020’ in Ljubljana now became ‘FEBS 2021’ and will be held from 3rd to 8th July 2021 in Ljubljana. The congress that is entitled ”Molecules of Life: Towards New Horizons“ will feature an impressive number of distinguished scientists presenting key research findings on biochemistry and molecular biology and other […]

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Prof. Boris Rogelj received Zois recognition

  • 3.March, 2020
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Prof. Boris Rogelj received highest national Zois recognition for contribution to the development of science and research in the field of molecular neurodegeneration.Prof. Rogelj conducted the extensive research on the molecular mechanisms in neurodegeneration. His work is dedicated to understanding pathologically important genes in ALS and FTD. His work and findings significantly contributed to the […]

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The most excellent research achivements of the University of Ljubljana

  • 3.March, 2020
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On 18th December 2019, the Research Commission of the University of Ljubljana selected the research achievement “Identification of bee venom Api m 1 IgE epitopes and characterization of corresponding mimotopes” as one of the most excellent in 2019. Researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Ljubljana and from the University Clinic of […]

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