New cell laboratory

  • 20.April, 2021
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In 2020, at the department we have arranged and started using new modern laboratories. The laboratories include two cell laboratories and a central laboratory dedicated to the analysis of cell culture samples. The laboratories are arranged and registered for work with biosafety level 1 genetically modified organisms (GMO) and one of the cell laboratories is […]

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The 45th FEBS Congress is going virtual

  • 1.March, 2021
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Due to the coronavirus pandemic, ‘FEBS 2021’ will be converted to a virtual format. However, it will still be held from 3rd to 8th July 2021, and it will retain excellent scientific presentations and discussions, poster sessions, interesting special sessions and workshops. Moreover, most of the speakers have already confirmed their commitment to participate in […]

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New international project at the department

  • 1.March, 2021
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In the framework of Central European Science Partnership, a bilateral project entitled “Small protein blockers of IL-23/IL-17 axis as intestinal inflammation inhibitors secreted by probiotic bacteria” (N3-0184) was selected for three-year financing by Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) and The Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), beginning with 1st March 2021. The project will aim to verify lactic […]

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Biofilm quantification assay

  • 11.February, 2021
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We have developed a bioluminescence based biofilm quantification assay in collaboration with researchers from Biotechnical Faculty at University of Ljubljana. We have shown that it works great in Listeria innocua, which is considered a non-pathogenic surrogate for Listeria monocytogenes. This biofilm assay enables absolute quantification of bacterial cells and is considered as a viable alternative […]

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Happy new year 2021!

  • 22.December, 2020
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The year is coming to the end and in many aspects the year 2020 has been much more virtual than previous years. Also, our daily communication including our meetings have gone virtual already since March! Although virtual and remote we can still conclude that it was also successful year. Wishing you all happy holidays and […]

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Internalisation of extracellular cystatin F by cytotoxic T lymphocytes

  • 18.December, 2020
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Reputable journal Cancers (IF 6.64) published a paper by members of the department Mateja Prunk, Milica Perišić Nanut, Jerica Sabotič and Janko Kos entitled “Extracellular Cystatin F Is Internalised by Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes and Decreases Their Cytotoxicity”. The article demonstrates that extracellular cystatin F after internalisation into cytotoxic T cells decreases their killing ability by […]

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Faculty of Pharmacy Prešern award 2020

  • 9.December, 2020
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Urša Čerček received Faculty for Pharmacy student Prešern award 2020, awarded yearly for best student research work in the past year, for her interdisciplinary research study for master thesis entitled Effect of cold atmospheric pressure plasma on formation of stress granules in the selected stable cell line, which she made under the supervision of prof. […]

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The role of cysteine peptidases in coronavirus cell entry and replication

  • 4.November, 2020
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Reputable microbiological journal PLOS Pathogens (IF 6.2) published paper by members of the department Ana Mitrović, Jerica Sabotič, Milica Perišić Nanut, Emanuela Senjor and Janko Kos and colleagues from Faculty of Pharmacy published a review paper in discussing the role of cathepsins in coronavirus infection entitled: The role of cysteine peptidases in coronavirus cell entry […]

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New ARRS project at the department

  • 3.November, 2020
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At this year’s project proposal call from Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) project submitted by our colleague Jerica Sabotič entitled “FunContrAPest: Novel Fungal Proteins as Biopesticides for Control of Challenging Invasive Alien Agricultural Pests” (J4-2543) was selected for three-year financing.The proposed project aims at developing new environmentally friendly biopesticides based on defense proteins from higher fungi […]

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Recipients of Krka Prize

  • 31.October, 2020
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Researchers and students from our department received awards from Slovenian pharmaceutical company Krka at the 50th Krka Prizes for best postgraduate, undergraduate and high school research projects. Krka award:Neja KuretEffect of Lectin Kokaprin on Pathogenic and Probiotic BacteriaSupervisor: Anja Klančnik, PhDCo-supervisor: Jerica Sabotič, PhD Krka recognition for undergraduate and postgraduate research work:Urša Čerček,Effect of cold […]

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