Successful defence of his doctoral dissertation

  • 4.October, 2022
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On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, our colleague Spase Stojanov received the title PhD with a successful defence of his doctoral dissertation entitled »Engineering of fluorescent vaginal Lactobacillus species for their monitoring in nanofibers and cell models«. He conducted his research work at the department, under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Aleš Berlec. Congratulations!

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Alternative strategies of plant protection against invasive insect pests

  • 28.September, 2022
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Join us at the mini-symposium on ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES OF PLANT PROTECTION AGAINST INVASIVE INSECT PESTS, which will be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Jožef Stefan Institute, in the lecture room of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. We organize this event within the framework of the […]

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Successful defense of her doctoral dissertation

  • 19.September, 2022
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On Wednesday, September 7th , 2022, our colleague Emanuela Senjor received the title PhD with a successful defense of her doctoral dissertation entitled »Cystatin F as a mediator of immune suppression in tumor microenvironment«. She conducted her research work at the department, under the mentorship of prof. dr. Janko Kos and dr. Milica Perišić Nanut. […]

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New inhibitors of cathepsin V

  • 9.September, 2022
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In paper entitled »New inhibitors of cathepsin V impair tumor cell proliferation and elastin degradation and increase immune cell cytotoxicity« published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (IF = 6.155) members of the department Ana Mitrović, Emanuela Senjor, Mateja Prunk, Milica Perišić Nanut and Janko Kos joint forces with medicinal chemists from Department of Pharmaceutical […]

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New flow cytometer at the department

  • 9.September, 2022
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This year we successfully purchase new flow cytometer Attune™ NxT Flow Cytometer with four lasers (blue, red, violet and yellow), autosampler, and additional filter for detection of small particle down to 100 nm. The cytometer uses the combination of innovative acoustic focusing technology coupled with traditional hydrodynamic focusing that enables its high acquisition speeds. New […]

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Targeting IL-6 by engineered Lactococcus lactis via surface-displayed affibody

  • 20.August, 2022
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Members of the Department Abida Zahirović and Aleš Berlec have recently published a paper entitled »Targeting IL-6 by engineered Lactococcus lactis via surface-displayed affibody« in Microbial Cell Factories (IF = 6.35). They developed lactic acid bacteria Lactococcus lactis with potent and selective IL-6 binding activity by displaying IL-6-specific affibody on its surface. Engineered bacteria were […]

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New family of peptidase inhibitors Cocaprins

  • 11.August, 2022
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Based on our description of a new family of fungal peptidase inhibitors, Cocaprins, a new Merops family I106 was established. Members of our department Jerica Sabotič, Tanja Zupan, Milica Perišić Nanut and Janko Kos worked on the biochemical characterization in collaboration with Miha Renko and Dušan Turk from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, […]

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New microscopes at the department

  • 11.August, 2022
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Our laboratories are now richer for two microscopes equipped with cameras that can capture high-resolution images. The first is the EVOS M5000 Imaging System, which allows observation of cells in brightfield at various magnifications, as well as capturing a wide range of fluorescence monitoring in four different channels. The second microscope is the Olympus CKX53, […]

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Dual functionalized lactic acid bacteria with tumor antigen targeting and cytokine binding ability

  • 20.February, 2022
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A paper entitled »Dual Functionalized Lactococcus lactis Shows Tumor Antigen Targeting and Cytokine Binding in Vitro« (IF = 6.06) was published by the members of the Department Abida Zahirović, Tina Vida Plavec and Aleš Berlec in the Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. Lactococcus lactis bacteria with dual functionality were developed by displaying two distinct bioactive […]

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Faculty of Pharmacy Deans’ Award 2021

  • 10.February, 2022
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Emanuela Senjor received Faculty of Pharmacy Deans’ Award 2021 awarded yearly for best research work in the past year published in research journals ranked top 10% among journals of specific research field. She received the award for her research study Cystatin F acts as a mediator of immune suppression in glioblastoma, published in Cellular Oncology.

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