New international project at the department

  • 8.July, 2021
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In the framework of ERA-Net CoBioTech, an international project entitled “Engineering microbial communities for the conversion of lignocellulose into medium-chain carboxylates” (Acronym: Cell4Chem) has begun its three-year financing on 1st July 2021. The project will aim to provide new tools and strategies to produce specialty chemicals caproate and caprylate from sustainable feedstocks, such as agro-industrial […]

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Early cell response to plasma defined

  • 12.October, 2020
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The research groups of B3 – Biotechnology and F4 – Surface engineering both from Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia, published an interdisciplinary research study: Motaln H, Čerček U, Recek N, Bajc-Česnik A, Mozetič M, Rogelj B. Cold atmospheric plasma induces stress granule formation via eIF2α – dependent pathway, Biomaterials Science (IF 6.2). The article reveals triggering […]

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