Excellent in Science 2022

Among the research achievements that were included in the Excellent in Science 2022 selection, which is carried out by the Slovenian Research Agency as part of the promotion of science, there are also articles by colleagues from the department.
Among the 21 research achievements that were also selected for public presentation is the achievement of prof. Boris Roglj and colleagues entitled ” Interactome screening of C9orf72 dipeptide repeats reveals VCP sequestration and functional impairment by polyGA ” for the field of Medicine and Biotechnology (neurobiology).
BOŽIČ, Janja, MOTALN, Helena, PUCER JANEŽ, Anja, MARKIČ, Lara, ROGELJ, Boris, et al. Interactome screening of C9orf72 dipeptide repeats reveals VCP sequestration and functional impairment by polyGA. Brain : journal of neurology, ISSN 0006-8950, 2022, vol. 145, well. 2, p. 684%699, illustr.

Among the 52 research achievements that were selected as Excellent in Science for the field of Oncology are: achievement of dr. Ana Mitrović et al. ” Evaluation of novel cathepsin-X inhibitors in vitro and in vivo and their ability to improve cathepsin-B-directed antitumor therapy”
MITROVIĆ, Ana, ZAVRŠNIK, Janja, MIKHAYLOV, Georgy, KNEZ, Damijan, PEČAR FONOVIĆ, Urša, MATJAN-ŠTEFIN, Petra, BUTINAR, Miha, GOBEC, Stanislav, TURK, Boris, KOS, Janko. Evaluation of novel cathepsin-X inhibitors in vitro and in vivo and their ability to improve cathepsin-B-directed antitumor therapy. Cellular and molecular life sciences. 2022, vol. 79, well. 1, p. 34-1-34-14. ISSN 1420-682X.

and an achievement co-authored by dr. Emanuela Senjor ” Infiltrating natural killer cells bind, lyse and increase chemotherapy efficacy in glioblastoma stem-like tumorospheres” BREZNIK, Barbara, KO, Meng-Wei, TSE, Christopher, CHEN, Po-Chun, SENJOR, Emanuela, MAJC, Bernarda, HABIČ, Anamarija, ANGELILLIS, Nicolas, NOVAK, Metka, ŽUPUNSKI, Vera, MLAKAR, Jernej, NATHANSON, David, JEWETT, Anahid. Infiltrating natural killer cells bind, lyse and increase chemotherapy efficacy in glioblastoma stem-like tumorospheres. Communications biology. 2022, vol. 5, p. 1-15, illustr

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