Recipients of awards from the Slovenian Biochemical Society

Colleagues from the department dr. Ana Mitrović and prof. Janko Kos are among the recipients of the awards of the Slovenian Biochemical Society for the year 2022, which were awarded on September 29, 2022 at the regular annual assembly of the society. Dr. Ana Mitrović received the Lapanje Award 2022 for outstanding achievements of a younger member in the field of biochemical sciences, with which she has significantly contributed to the development of biochemical sciences in Slovenia and internationally. Prof. Janko Kos received the Lapanje plaque 2022 for many years of organizational work in the field of biochemical sciences, professional work in sections or bodies of the society, for services in promoting Slovenian biochemistry in the wider social community, for popularizing and presenting the achievements of scientific research work and achievements to the general public, and for successful organizational and professional work in expanding biochemical activity and establishing new forms of activity that contribute to the development of biochemical sciences. Congratulations!

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