Excellent in Science 2022

  • 20.December, 2022
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Among the research achievements that were included in the Excellent in Science 2022 selection, which is carried out by the Slovenian Research Agency as part of the promotion of science, there are also articles by colleagues from the department.Among the 21 research achievements that were also selected for public presentation is the achievement of prof. […]

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Portraits of Science

  • 20.December, 2022
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Boris Rogelj responded to the University of Ljubljana’s invitation to participate in the Portraits of Science exhibition. The exhibition, which is on view at the Kraków Embankment in Ljubljana until mid-January 2023, features innovative portraits of eighteen top researchers from the University of Ljubljana, as well as historical portraits of Dr. Ane Kansky, recipient of […]

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Short oral presentation award

  • 19.December, 2022
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Researcher from our department dr. Abida Zahirović received an award for short oral presentation “Recombinant Lactic Acid Bacteria for Therapy of Inflammatory Bowel Disease” at the international conference Targeting microbiota which took place Ocober 19-21, 2022 in Paris (https://www.microbiota-site.com/congress-news/1152-targeting-microbiota-2022-short-oral-presentation-award-2.html).Congratulation!

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Recipients of Krka Prize

  • 4.November, 2022
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On friday, october 21, in Novo mesto, the 52nd Krka Prize for research was awarded to undergraduate and postgraduate students. This year, 31 young researchers were awarded, including 5, who were honored with the big Krka Prize. Dr. Tina Vida Plavec received the big Krka Prize for her doctoral dissertation “Surface display of tumor antigen […]

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New ARRS projects at the department

  • 4.November, 2022
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At this year’s project proposal call from national research agency ARRS projects form our colleagues Aleš Berlec, Boris Rogej and Jerica Sabotič were selected for three-year financing and postdoctoral project from colleague Abida Zahirović was selected for two-year financing. Additionally, also few project from our collaborative partners have been selected for financing.

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Recipients of awards from the Slovenian Biochemical Society

  • 6.October, 2022
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Colleagues from the department dr. Ana Mitrović and prof. Janko Kos are among the recipients of the awards of the Slovenian Biochemical Society for the year 2022, which were awarded on September 29, 2022 at the regular annual assembly of the society. Dr. Ana Mitrović received the Lapanje Award 2022 for outstanding achievements of a […]

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Successful defence of his doctoral dissertation

  • 4.October, 2022
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On Wednesday, September 28, 2022, our colleague Spase Stojanov received the title PhD with a successful defence of his doctoral dissertation entitled »Engineering of fluorescent vaginal Lactobacillus species for their monitoring in nanofibers and cell models«. He conducted his research work at the department, under the mentorship of assoc. prof. Aleš Berlec. Congratulations!

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Alternative strategies of plant protection against invasive insect pests

  • 28.September, 2022
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Join us at the mini-symposium on ALTERNATIVE STRATEGIES OF PLANT PROTECTION AGAINST INVASIVE INSECT PESTS, which will be held on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Jožef Stefan Institute, in the lecture room of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School. We organize this event within the framework of the […]

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Successful defense of her doctoral dissertation

  • 19.September, 2022
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On Wednesday, September 7th , 2022, our colleague Emanuela Senjor received the title PhD with a successful defense of her doctoral dissertation entitled »Cystatin F as a mediator of immune suppression in tumor microenvironment«. She conducted her research work at the department, under the mentorship of prof. dr. Janko Kos and dr. Milica Perišić Nanut. […]

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New inhibitors of cathepsin V

  • 9.September, 2022
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In paper entitled »New inhibitors of cathepsin V impair tumor cell proliferation and elastin degradation and increase immune cell cytotoxicity« published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (IF = 6.155) members of the department Ana Mitrović, Emanuela Senjor, Mateja Prunk, Milica Perišić Nanut and Janko Kos joint forces with medicinal chemists from Department of Pharmaceutical […]

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