Recipients of Krka Prize

Researchers and students from our department received awards from Slovenian pharmaceutical company Krka at the 50th Krka Prizes for best postgraduate, undergraduate and high school research projects.

Krka award:
Neja Kuret
Effect of Lectin Kokaprin on Pathogenic and Probiotic Bacteria
Supervisor: Anja Klančnik, PhD
Co-supervisor: Jerica Sabotič, PhD

Krka recognition for undergraduate and postgraduate research work:
Urša Čerček,
Effect of cold atmospheric pressure plasma on formation of stress granules in the selected stable cell line
Supervisor: prof. Boris Rogelj

Krka prize for high school research work:
Jernej Birk, Domen Hočevar in Kaja Rangus (Gimnazija Novo mesto)
Uporaba mikrotermoforeze za določanje vezave sladkorjev na izolektin rCnSL-B2
Supervisors: Janja Pust, Jerica Sabotič, PhD, Ana Mitrović, PhD
Julija Vodenik (Biotehniški izobraževalni center Ljubljana, Gimnazija in veterinarska šola)
Vpliv dipeptidnih ponovitev gena C9orf72 na celične procese
Supervisors: Darja Rizmal, Janja Božič, PhD, prof. Boris Rogelj

Congratulations to all the recipients and their supervisors!

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