We study progression and immune response in cancer, mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases, RNA biology, probiotics and engineering of lactic acid bacteria, glycobiology and fungal proteins. Our goal is to use this knowledge for:
- understanding of disease mechanisms
- diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in medicine
- protection of the environment and preparation of quality and safe foods

New ARIS projects at the department
At this year’s project proposal call from national research agency ARIS projects form our colleagues Tina Vida Plavec, Milica Perišić…

New RSF project at the department
On this year’s first call for projects within the Development Pillar (RSF) of the Jožef Stefan Institute project from colleague…

Approaches to the treatment of Clostridioides difficile infection
Abida Zahirović, Borut Štrukelj and Aleš Berlec from the Department of Biotechnology at the Jožef Stefan Institute, in collaboration with…

L’Oreal-UNESCO “For Women in Science” recipient
Urša Čerček from our department became the recipient of 2024 National Program for Women in Science, which promotes and supports…

Improving biodiscovery with the guide to the use of bioassays
Jerica Sabotič and Nika Janež from the Department of Biotechnology of the Jožef Stefan Institute, in collaboration with blue biotechnology…

New substrate for laccase activity assays
The group of Inga Matijošyte from Life Sciences Center at the Institute of Biotechnology of Vilnius University in Vilnius, Lithuania,…

New molecular mechanism of C9orf72 mutation linked to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia
Researchers from the team led by Prof. Dr. Boris Rogelj, along with young researcher Urša Čerček and former colleague Dr.…

Glycosylation profiles of cystatin F alter the cytotoxic potential of NK cells
Colleagues at B3 Emanuela Senjor, Milica Perišić Nanut, Jerica Sabotič and Janko Kos published an article entitled "Different glycosylation profiles…